A list of Mastodon Instances

Welcome to the world of Mastodon — mini social networking sites that talk to each other to make one big network called the Fediverse.

When you sign up, your username includes the name of the site you sign up on. Mine is @matt@oslo.town, for example.

Like picking an email address, you are deciding who hosts your account. When you have an account, you can follow and message people on any Mastodon site from the first account you make.

This page lists sites for you to get started on. I tried to pick out sites which have fun names and listed them alphabetically. There are also a few region-specific categories to help find your local city or country. I hope that helps.

Don’t worry too much about picking your first Mastodon site. You can always move to another at a later date.

Note: These sites have not been vetted in detail, so sorry if there are bad sites listed here. It’s recommended you do your own research before signing up.

↓ Skip to Regional categories ↓

💸 anticapitalist.partyAnticapitalists
🇰🇷 apobangpo.spaceBTS Army and K-Pop fans
📱 appdot.netGeneral interest
🏺 archaeo.socialArchaeologists + ancient historians
🪐 astrodon.socialAstronomy + astrophysics
attractive.spaceCreative people
🐶 bark.lgbtFurries
🏖️ beach.cityGeneral interest
🫥 beige.partyGeneral interest
🇳🇴 berserker.townGeneral interest
🚲 bikesare.coolCylists + bike lovers
🦉 birds.townBirds, birding + nature
💽 bitbang.socialRetro technology
✊🏿 blacktwitter.ioBlack community
blobfox.coffeeGeneral interest
💝 body.socialBody positivity + naturists
📚 bookstodon.comBibliophiles, bookworms + book lovers
📚 bookwor.msBook lovers
🤑 brands.townParody brand accounts
🐱 catcatnya.comPolitically left-wing
🍸 chatsubo.barGeneral interest
🐺 chitter.xyzGeneral interest
🌱 climatejustice.socialClimate justice activists
☁️ cloudisland.nzGeneral interest ($)
💭 convo.casaGeneral interest
👩‍👧‍👦 cooler.momMothers + parenting
🌠 cosmos.socialArt + spirituality
💠 cryptodon.lolCypto
🧸 cuddly.spaceGeneral interest
🍵 cupoftea.socialGeneral interest
😊 cute.isLGBT+
🥰 cutie.cityGeneral interest
🧑‍💻 cyberplace.socialCybersecurity + technology
👨‍👦‍👦 dads.coolFathers + parenting
🧟‍♀️ deadinsi.deGeneral interest
🧑‍💻 defcon.socialInfosec + Hackers
☢️ demoncore.infoNuclear enthusiasts
🎲 dice.campRole-playing Games
🔺 digitalcourage.socialGeneral interest ($)
🌚 digitaldarkage.ccGeneral interest
🧑‍🦽 disabled.socialDisability + chronically ill
🖥️ discuss.systemsTechnology + computing
🐬 dolphin.townDolphin sounds only
💠 drupal.communityDrupal CMS users
🌐 earthstream.socialEnvironmental issues
🎍 ecoevo.socialEcology + evolution
🤑 econtwitter.netEconomics
🎱 eightpoint.appGeneral interest
🧑‍💻 emacs.chEmacs + FOSS
🐴 equestria.socialMy Little Ponies
🖋 fandom.inkFan fiction + fan art
🧑‍🔬 fediscience.orgScience + scientists
🗞 federated.pressJournalism + journalists
🏈 finsup.siteMiami Dolphins + NFL
📰 flipboard.socialFlipboard users
🪨 flipping.rocksGeneral interest
🌐 floe.earthClimate change
🐰 fluffy.familyPets
👨‍💻 fosstodon.orgOpen Source Technology
🛡 freeradical.zoneInfosec + Privacy
🏕️ friend.campGeneral interest
functional.cafeFunctional programming
🐺 fur.lgbtFurry and LGBTQA+
g33ks.coffeeSmall web enthusiasts
🏳️‍🌈 gamedev.lgbtLGBT+ video game developers
🎮 gamepad.clubVideo games + gamers
🤓 geekdom.socialGeeks
🌳 genealysis.socialGenealogy + family tree
👻 ghost.cafeGeneral interest
🏳️‍⚧️ girlcock.clubTrans + LGBT+
🧊 glaceon.socialPokémon
📚 glammr.usGalleries, Libraries, Museums
🏕️ goblin.campGeneral interest
👩‍💻 hachyderm.ioLGBT+ and BLM
👩‍💻 hackers.townHacking + Technology
🪡 handmade.socialHandmade artisans + crafts
👨🏽‍💻 hci.socialHuman-computer Interaction researchers
🎓 hcommons.socialHumanities Scholars
🤘 hellyeah.socialGeneral interest
⌨️ hispagatos.spaceAnarchist hacker collective
📜 history.lolHistory and historians (Fun)
👩🏻‍🏫 historians.socialHistory and historians (Serious)
🔞 ibite.lolExplicit furry artists (NSFW)
🤷 icosahedron.websiteGeneral interest
👍 idlethumbs.socialGeneral interest
ieji.deFast server with good privacy
👩‍🚀 im-in.spaceGeneral interest
🙅 inaccessible.acGeneral interest
🦊 indieauthors.socialWriters and authors
☁️ indieweb.socialOpen web + technology
🖱 infosec.exchangeInfosec + cyber security
🛐 interfaith.masto.hostReligion + faith
🛡️ ioc.exchangeInfosec + technology
🏫 ischool.socialSchools of Information
🐴 jorts.horseFriendly shit-posting
📰 journa.hostJournalism + journalists
☸️ k8s.socialKubernetes enthusiasts
💝 kind.socialGeneral interest
🔞 kinkycats.orgKink + Fetish (NSFW)
🍳 kitch.winCooking + Chefs
🐱 kitty.townGeneral interest
🌌 kosmos.socialGeneral interest
🇰🇷 kpop.socialKorean Pop Music
📀 laserdisc.partyMovies, Film + Cinema
🎱 layer8.spaceLinux, Anime, Music
👩🏽‍⚖️ legal.socialLawyers + legal debate
👍 liker.socialGeneral interest
🎹 linernotes.clubMusic lovers
📹 livester.netAdult webcam models (NSFW)
🏳️‍🌈 lgbt.ioLGBT+ and allies
🏳️‍🌈 lgbtqplus.socialLGBT+ and allies
🌆 lonely.townGeneral interest
🧍 lor.shGeneral interest
🧙‍♂️ magnificentbeardsfan.clubBeards, I guess?
🗺 mapstodon.spaceCartography professionals
🐘 mas.toGeneral interest
🤖 masto.aiGeneral interest
🧑🏽‍🤝‍🧑🏼 masto.socialGeneral interest
🎨 mastodon.artArtists + illustrators
🍺 mastodon.beerBeer drinkers + brewers
🤖 mastodon.botAutomated accounts (Bots)
☁️ mastodon.cloudGeneral interest
📐 mastodon.designDesign + Designers
🧑‍🏫 mastodon.educationEducation workers
mastodon.energyEnergy + climate professionals
🟢 mastodon.greenGeneral interest ($)
🖥 mastodon.onlineGeneral interest
📻 mastodon.radioHAM + SWL Radio
🥪 mastodon.sandwich.netGeneral interest
🌍 mastodon.worldGeneral interest
📚 mastodonbooks.netBooks and reading
🧮 mathtod.onlineMaths + Mathematics
🧮 mathstodon.xyzMaths + Mathematics
✍️ me.dmMedium.com users
💉 med-mastodon.comMedical community
💠 mefi.socialMetaFilter users
🐱 meow.socialFurry fandom
👻 mellified.menGhouls
🎸 metalhead.clubMetal music
🧠 mindly.socialFor people with brains and hearts
🎞️ mograph.socialMotion graphics
🧐 monocles.socialMonocle wearers
🦣 moth.socialGeneral interest
🏔️ mountains.socialHiking + climbing + mountaineering
🦊 mozilla.socialMozilla users
💼 mstdn.businessBrands and companies
👾 mstdn.gamesTabletop + video games
🔥 mstdn.ioGeneral interest
mstdn.plusGeneral interest
🧑‍🔬 mstdn.scienceScience + scientists
mstdn.socialGeneral interest
🎶 musicworld.socialMusic lovers
🤓 nerdculture.deGeneral interest
🪄 neurodifferent.meNeurodifferent folks
🪄 neuromatch.socialGeneral interest
📰 newsie.socialBreaking news + current affairs
🤓 noc.socialTechnology, networking, Linux
🔌 nullthe.netNTI members and friends
🐭 octodon.socialQueers, anarchists, communists
👋 ohai.socialGeneral interest
💾 oldbytes.spaceRetro technology
🗺️ osm.townOpenStreetMap enthusiasts
🅾️ oval.ccArts and sciences
🤓 parasocial.networkNerds
🤠 parody.townParody accounts
🕹 peoplemaking.gamesVideo games, gaming
📸 photog.socialPhotography and photographers
👩🏾‍💻 phpc.socialPHP programmers
🦄 plush.citySoft friends
🔐 social.privacytools.io
🟩 publicsquare.globalGeneral interest
🏳️‍🌈 qaf.menQueer or queer-adjacent folk
🏳️‍🌈 queer.coolQueer or queer-adjacent folk
🌳 queer.gardenQueer or queer-adjacent folk
🎉 queer.partyQueer or queer-adjacent folk
😡 rage.loveBlack and Indigenous people
🐦 raggedfeathers.com
🛤️ rail.chatPassenger trains and freight rail
🎲 raphus.socialTechnology and tabletop games
🐱 raru.re
🪩 ravenation.clubRave goers
🍕 retro.pizzaNerds + nerd culture
📠 retro.social19A0s + retro technology
🕹️ retrochat.onlineRetro computers and consoles
🕹️ retro-gaiden.comRetro gaming enthusiasts
🚊 ridetrans.itTransit riders for mobility justice
💕 romancelandia.clubReaders and writers of romance
💎 ruby.socialRuby programming language
🏭 ruhr.social
🗣 saturation.socialGeneral interest
🎴 savageworlds.socialSavage Worlds TTRPG players
🎓 scholar.socialAcademics
⚗️ scicomm.xyzScientists, researchers, science students
🧑‍🔬 sciencemastodon.comScience journalists and scientists
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 sciences.socialSocial scientists
🔍 seo.chatSearch Engine Optimization
🔎 seocommunity.socialSearch Engine Optimization
🎤 shakedown.socialLive music
🎺 skastodon.comSka music
🔥 smores.townGeneral interest
☃️ snowmans.landGeneral interest
📻 social.bbcBBC (UK)
♻️ social.coopCooperative and collective projects
🤣 social.lolomg.lol members
🐢 socialturtle.euGeneral interest
🪐 solarsystem.socialPlanetary science community
🎚️ sonomu.clubMusicians, sound artists, producers
🚀 spacey.spaceSpace and cosmos
🍄 spore.social
🌐 stoat.zoneGeneral interest
🗿 strangeobject.spaceGeneral interest
🕵️‍♀️ stranger.socialGeneral interest
🌞 sunbeam.cityAnticapitalist, antifascist solarpunks
☀️ sunny.gardenIndie + hobby creatives
🔞 switter.atNSFW
🎲 tabletop.socialBoard gamers, RPG players, LARPers
🏳️‍🌈 tech.lgbtLGBT+ tech workers
🖱️ techhub.socialTechnology
🖖 tenforward.socialStar Trek fans
🔭 telescope.gardenGeneral interest
✝️ theres.lifeFollowers of Jesus Christ
🐴 thicc.horseBody positivity, LGBT+
🐸 toad.socialGeneral interest
🤛 todon.nlRadical left
😊 toki.socialToki pona (language)
🚲 toot.bikeCyclists and bikes
🟦 toot.blueGeneral interest (Japanese)
toot.cafeWeb design + development
📯 toot.ioGeneral interest
🌐 tooot.imGeneral interest (Hebrew)
🍁 toque.townTechnology, Urbanism, Transportation
🏳️‍🌈 towns.gayRadical queers
🏳️‍⚧️ transforthe.winTrans folk
🚇 transportation.socialTransportation professionals
🌕 tsukihi.meTrans folk
🍰 tweesecake.socialGeneral interest
🎧 TWiT.socialTWiT Podcast
👩‍💻 types.plProgramming languages
🏙 urbanists.socialBikes, transit, and walkable cities
💬 unbound.socialGeneral interest
✊🏻 union.placeTrade union members, workers rights
🌌 universeodon.comGeneral interest
🤪 uwu.townQueer, funny, sexy and weird
🥕 veganism.socialVegans and vegetarians
🔢 vis.socialSciArt, SciComm, Data visualization
🌐 vivaldi.netGeneral interest / Vivaldi browser
🤓 vmst.ioTechnologists, geeks + nerds
🧑‍💻 w3c.socialWorld Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
🏪 wandering.shopGeneral interest
🍪 wehavecookies.socialGeneral interest
🌍 weirder.earthGeneral interest
🕯️ weremember.social
👾 wetdry.world
🐺 wobbl.xyzLarger, tubbier furries
📝 writing.exchangePoets, authors, and writers
🇪🇸 xarxa.cloudSpanish, Catalan and English
xoxo.zoneXOXO Festival
💾 yesterweb.orgInternet enthusiasts
🦓 zeal.centerZcash Cryptocurrency
😷 zeroes.caCOVID-awareness
🧠 zirk.usArts and humanities

Region Specific

CountryServer nameComments
🇦🇺 Australiaaus.social
🇦🇺 Australiamastodon.au
🇦🇺 Australiachinwag.org
🇦🇺 Australiatheblower.au
🇦🇹 Austriatyrol.social
🇧🇷 Brazilmastodon.com.br
🇧🇷 Brazilmasto.donte.com.br
🇨🇦 Canadamstdn.ca
🇨🇦 Canadathecanadian.social
🇨🇦 Canadaoceanplayground.socialAtlantic Canada
🇨🇦 Canadaottawa.placeOttawa
🌼 Cataloniamastodont.cat
🇨🇱 Chilechilemasto.casa
🇨🇱 Chilemastodon.cl
🇨🇳 Chinabgme.me
🇨🇷 Costa Ricamastodon.cr
🇩🇰 Denmarkexpressional.social
🇩🇰 Denmarknorrebro.spaceNørrebro
🇪🇪 Estoniaest.social
🇪🇬 Egyptmasr.social
🇫🇮 Finlandmastodontti.fi
🇫🇷 Francemstdn.fr
🇫🇷 Francepiaille.fr
🇫🇷 Francegayfr.socialLGBT+
🇩🇪 Germanycultur.social
🇩🇪 Germanykanoa.de
🇩🇪 Germanymuenchen.socialMunich
🇩🇪 Germanyruhr.socialRuhr
🇩🇪 Germanysocial.saarlandSaarland
🇩🇪 Germanydresden.networkDresden
🇩🇪 Germanymachteburch.socialMagdeburg
🇩🇪 Germanybonn.socialBonn
🇩🇪 Germanydarmstadt.socialDarmstadt
🇩🇪 Germanynorden.socialNorthern Germany
🇩🇪 Germanywue.socialWürzburg
🇩🇪 Germanyaugsburg.socialAugsburg
🇩🇪 Germanybrandenburg.socialBrandenburg
🇩🇪 Germanynrw.socialNorth Rhine-Westphalia
🇩🇪 Germanyosna.socialOsnabrück
🇩🇪 Germanysocial.cologneCologne
🇭🇰 Hong Kongmastodon.hongkongers.net
🇮🇪 Irelandmastodon.ie
🇮🇹 Italymastodon.uno
🇮🇹 Italypan.rent
🇯🇵 Japanmstdn.jp
🇯🇵 Japanmastodos.comKyoto
🇯🇵 Japanmastodon.tokyoTokyo
🇲🇬 Madagascarmastodon.mg
🇲🇽 Mexicomstdn.mx
🇳🇱 Netherlandsmastodon.nl
🇳🇱 Netherlandsmastonederland.nl
🇳🇱 Netherlandstoot.re
🇳🇱 Netherlandsmastodon.frlFryslân
🇳🇱 Netherlandstukkers.onlineTukkers
🇳🇱 Netherlandsnwb.socialBrabantse citizens 
🇳🇱 Netherlandshsnl.socialDutch hacker space
🇳🇱 Netherlandssocial.edu.nlDutch education
🇳🇱 Netherlandssocial.overheid.nlDutch government
🇳🇿 New Zealandmastodon.nz
🇳🇿 New Zealandmastodon.nzoss.nzAotearoa
🇳🇿 New Zealandcloudisland.nz$
🇳🇴 Norwaysnabelen.no
🇳🇴 Norwayfribygda.no
🇳🇴 Norwayoslo.townOslo
🇳🇴 Norwaybabb.noUiO Students
🇳🇴 Norwaytutoteket.no
🇳🇴 Norwaymikrobloggen.no
🇳🇴 Norwaykjas.noNorsk
🇳🇴 Norway, etc.samenet.socialSámi
🇵🇰 Pakistanpaktodon.asia
🇵🇱 Polandpol.social
🇵🇱 Poland101010.pl
🇵🇹 Portugalmasto.pt
🇷🇺 Russiamastodon.ml
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Scotlandmastodon.scot
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Scotlandglasgow.socialGlasgow
🇸🇮 Sloveniatoot.si
🇿🇦 South Africafediverse.co.za
🇰🇷 South Koreajmm.kr
🇪🇸 Spaintkz.oneVideo games
🇸🇪 Swedenmastodon.nu
🇸🇪 Swedenfikaverse.club
🇨🇭 Switzerlandswiss.social
🇹🇷 Türkiyemastodon.com.tr
🇺🇦 Ukrainesoc.ua-fediland.de
🇺🇦 Ukrainemastodon.vn.uaвінницька
🇺🇦 Ukrainesocial.kyiv.dcomm.net.ua
🇬🇧 United Kingdommastodon.me.uk
🇬🇧 United Kingdommastodon.org.uk
🇬🇧 United Kingdommastodonapp.uk
🇬🇧 United Kingdommcr.wtfManchester
🇬🇧 United Kingdomblop.socialInvite only
🇺🇸 USAtriangletoot.partyNorth Carolina
🇺🇸 USAsfba.socialSan Francisco Bay Area
🇺🇸 USAsocial.seattle.wa.usSeattle
🇺🇸 USAtheatl.socialAtlanta, Georgia
🇺🇸 USAokla.socialOklahoma
🇺🇸 USAnycity.socialNew York
🇺🇸 USAmasto.nycNew York
🇺🇸 USAdmv.communityDC, Maryland, Virginia
🇺🇸 USAaz.socialArizona
🇺🇸 USAcityofchicago.liveChicago, Illinois
🇺🇸 USAnutmeg.socialConnecticut
🇺🇸 USAbetter.bostonBoston, Massachusetts
🇺🇸 USAtoot.bostonBoston, Massachusetts
🇺🇸 USAbostonmusic.onlineBoston, Massachusetts
🇺🇸 USAhoosier.socialIndiana
🇺🇸 USAkcmo.socialKansas City
🇺🇸 USAnashtodon.comNashville, TN
🇺🇸 USAdenvr.socialDenver, CO
🇺🇾 Uruguaymastodon.uy
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Walestoot.wales

Inactive domains

Here’s a list of sites that were once running a version of Mastodon but now, for whatever reason, don’t seem to exist anymore. I’m listing them here for reference, in case you wanted to bring one back to life, or check the Internet Archive to see what it looked like:

🌍 adventures.social
🧑‍💻 allthingstech.social
🇳🇱 almere.social
🎨 artsculture.media
🍌 banana.dog
🌼 barcelona.social
💖 benign.town
💰 bitcoinhackers.org
💰 btc.gdn
🧚‍♂️ computerfairi.es
🦀 crabland.social
🗳 democracy.town
🦣 distrotoot.com
🏆 douzepoints.social
🐉 dragon.style
🦆 duck.cafe
👥 espod.social
🐬 finsup.social
🥩 foodin.ga
😅 funnyna.me
💎 glittering.diamonds
🎤 harrystyl.es
🏡 home.social
🪐 hyperpla.net
😩 iamveryti.red
🔞 kinky.business
🏳️‍🌈 lesbianschool.com
👀 lookbusy.org
🍺 masto.beer
🇧🇪 mastodon.be
🍭 mastodon.lol
🇸🇪 mastodon.se
🇨🇦 mastodonapp.ca
😂 mastodong.lol
🖋️ matitodon.com
⚕️ med-mammoth.com
🌝 moon.holiday
🎹 mpp.community
🇪🇸 mstdn.es
🇳🇱 nederland.online
🇩🇪 oberpfalz.social
🧙‍♀️ occult.camp
🏳️‍🌈 pettingzoo.co
🎱 pool.social
📻 popradio.club
🏳️‍🌈 queer.af
🤵 sartorial.online
🌱 seeds.social
🇨🇳 shenenfa.cn
🔞 sinblr.com
🚀 spacelase.rs
🐠 theaquario.com
🏚️ thecabal.xyz
🤷 themastodonlife.com
🎷 thisismyjam.social
📯 toot.koeln
🎺 toot.site
🇫🇷 toulouse.social
🧠 trivia.town
🇳🇴 trondheim.town
🇰🇷 twingyeo.kr
💧 vattenkylaren.se
🍥 verze.social
🦊 vulpine.club
👽 weirdo.network
🔞 xxxtumblr.org


This list is mostly sourced through searching Bing or instances connected to oslo.town, but I should extend thanks to people who have DM’d me with updates and also the following sites: