Out of action

A photo of coxy (Matt Cox) looking sraight into the camera, wearing a navy blue beanie hat with a stiched on Carrahatt logo, covering his hear which peaks through underneath, swept across his forehead and slight whisping over his eyes. He is outsite, stood by a beige apartment block.

It sucks to be ill and for the past three days the influenza virus got the better of me. All the symptoms came knocking at my door; the runny nose, sore throat, headache, coughing, sneezing, etc.

Whilst I’m quite bad at making the most of my time day-to-day, I find it frustrating to be so unwell to be housebound. Especially the past few days, as I glance out of the window and see that Oslo has had some sunshine. Spring is upon us.

A friend had his birthday party this weekend too and I had to miss it. Disappointing.

Today was the first day since Thursday evening that I ventured outside. Nothing too exciting; only to the basement of the apartment block to do some laundry. Oh, and to refill the bird feeders.

Here is a picture of me still feeling a bit ill, but also being outside.


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