
A photo of Oslo, taken from the Opera House roof. The image is covered with decorative patterns overlayed on top of the photo.

Previously, on this blog, I have mentioned Mastodon – the free and open source social network that is akin to Twitter. The more keen-eyed reader might have also noticed that my username on Mastodon was @lychee@mstdn.io

If you have never heard of Mastodon before and wonder how it’s different from Twitter or Facebook, then you can watch this short video:

Well, after spending some time playing around with what the social network has to offer, I decided to create my own community at oslo.town

My new username on Mastodon is @matt@oslo.town and whilst the website domain is clearly targeted to residents of Norway’s capital city of Oslo – anyone is welcome to join. Sign up to Mastodon today!

If you don’t want to sign up to oslo.town, maybe one of these other communities tickles your fancy:

And remember: you can sign up to any local community and still connect with the wider world. So, regardless of your Mastodon username, follow me:




3 responses to “oslo.town”

  1. […] you read the blog post about oslo.town or maybe you didn’t. Either way, what you need to know is that I was using the Oslo Kommune […]

  2. […] oslo.town has recently topped 100 members and was never meant to be a big thing, so I’m quite happy with this. And, I’m not expecting to see people (other than myself) walking around the city wearing merch – but the option is there should you want to own some swag. […]

  3. […] few weeks back I ordered some oslo.town stickers from moo.com and as soon as they came, started applying those tacky little dots to various […]

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